GuruNanda™ is a line of exquisite oils and diffusers designed to improve your health and well-being. Our aromatherapy products infuse your life with beautifully scented goodness for you and your family. The line of essential oils and diffusers are carefully developed and brought to the end consumer with a farm to shelf process. Our quality standards ensure that from seed to shelf, our essential oils are harvested and delivered to you with plants and flowers grown with exceptional care. We ensure the purity of every oil we blend or sell individually. Every oil and diffuser is designed to turn distress to de-stress.

About our founder


GuruNanda is the nickname for Puneet Nanda, the successful entrepreneur-turned-yogi and creator of the line. The line was a natural extension of his practice with Ayurveda, an ancient healing science in India. His business accomplishments, including the successful oral care brand Dr. Fresh, earned him the 2011 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award and an active position with the Young Presidents Organization (YPO). However, 16-hour workdays filled with stress, poor eating habits and lack of exercise took a dire toll on his life and his health. After an emergency trip to the hospital with chest pains during what turned out to be a severe anxiety attack, he rediscovered the yoga he loved as a child growing up in India.


Many ancient cultures recognized the physical and psychological benefits of scented oils including the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. In fact, Hippocrates, known as the father of modern medicine, stated 2,500 years ago the benefits of an aromatic bath and scented massage. Aromatic oils were also used in India and China at the same time as they were in use in ancient Egypt. Distillation of essential oils is credited to the Persians in the 10th century. Printed books were readily available in the 16th century. In 1928, a French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé coined the term aromatherapy, supporting the use of essential oils. There is a growing resurgence today of the use of essential oils for their health promoting benefits.


Ayurveda is 5,000-year-old holistic medical science from India’s Vedic civilization. It’s based on the philosophy that wellbeing is maintained by balanced energy of the mind, body and soul. Ayurvedic prevention and treatment depends on an individual's specific characteristics and body frame.

Oil pulling is also based on Ayurvedic science. Soon after waking, before eating or brushing teeth, pulling oil is swished around in the mouth and spit out to "pull” bacteria and other toxins from the body.

Some essential oils, have therapuetic properties when applied to the skin. To prevent irritation and uneven distribution of essential oil, carrier oils are applied first. These are also known as Oils of Heaven.


Happy Breath Yoga book

Today, we're all so busy. Stress has become not only common, it's expected. We’ve basically forgotten how to breathe! Proper breath is virtually the cure-all to a host of physical and emotional “dis-eases” including:

  • Weight gain
  • Body aches and pains
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Lack of focus and motivation
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Depression and anxiety

GuruNanda’s Happy Breath Yoga has been created to help you incorporate yoga and yogic breathing into your busy life. These comprehensive resources, including books, videos, mobile apps, classes and seminars, offer exercises, tools, guidance, advice and tips. You are already perfectly equipped to experience more joy, calmness and overall health because all you really need to know how to do is breathe!